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Reading connected text accuracy

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: K - 5
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class
Length: 10 minutes
Materials: None
Goal: Given a written passage, read it aloud ( abc def ghi -> "abc" "def" "ghi" )
Items: Select a fiction or non-fiction passage here

What to do

  1. Write the story on the board or print it, and project it on an overhead projector.
  2. Let's read a story. Get ready. Wait until everyone is sitting ready.
  3. I'm not going to read this first. You're going to read each word as I point to it. Remember to sound out the word silently if you don't recognize it straight away. Ready?
  4. Point just beneath the first word. Pause for three seconds (fewer if all students are able to keep up). What's the word? If a student mispronounces a word or incorrect decodes it, give her a chance to self-correct. If she doesn't, model the correct word and ask her to repeat it.
  5. Continue with the other words in the sentence, pointing beneath the word, pausing for three seconds, then asking: What's the word? Try to ensure you are bringing all students with you. If needed, give individual students a chance to start again from the beginning of each sentence.
  6. For irregular words say: The next word is a trick word. Point beneath the word and pause for three seconds. What's the word? If you are confident students can read irregular words, fade this prompt--just point beneath the word as you do for other words.
  7. Okay, now let's read the story again from the beginning. Go back through the story with slightly shorter pauses. If the passage is long enough, let each student read a line or sentence of it on their own so you can see who is struggling and make a note in an Activity Log to give that student extra practice.
  8. Optionally, go through the story one more time, a little faster again and without asking: What's the word?
  9. Now I want you to read this story to yourself, without speaking. As you do, make a movie in your head of what is happening in the story. Wait a few seconds, then ask individuals what happens in their movie. Guide them back to the scene in the story if they digress.

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