Acting It Out!
From FreeReading
Activity Type: Reintroduce |
Activity Form: Game |
Grade: 2, 3 |
Group Size: Small Group, Large Group |
Length: 15 minutes |
Materials: Vocabulary words found in current text |
Goal: Given specific vocabulary words from a text, students can demonstrate their understanding of the meaning through performance. |
Items: Vocabulary in Context |
What to do
- The teacher will write out the set of vocabulary words on separate pieces of paper. The vocabulary words are from the current text that the class is reading. At this point, the teacher has already taught each word explicitly and this activity is to reinforce their understanding.
- In small groups or whole group, the teacher will call on a student to pull a vocabulary word from a container. The student will read the word silently, without telling the class.
- The student will have 10 seconds to act out the word to his or her best ability. The student may use any props that can help aid in the demonstration of the word.
- Once the student has acted out the word and the given time has passed, students may begin to guess what the vocabulary word is. Whoever guesses the word correctly will be the next performer.
- The teacher will act as a facilitator during this activity to help avoid any misunderstanding of the actual meaning of the word.
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About this activity
This activity is an adaptation to the game, Charades. Students love the opportunity to perform in my class and I found the activity to be very beneficial. Many of my students are kinesthetic and this allows them to stay on task. Students' understanding of the given words has been evident in their daily work and conversation.