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Apply phonics, read words in context

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Activity Type: Introduce
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: 1
Group Size: Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class
Length: 12 minutes
Materials: chart paper, or sentence strips, markers, journals
Goal: The students will read vocabulary words in context. Then use the vocabulary words to write their own sentences.
Items: r- controlled vowels er, ir, ur (ex: her, dirt, bird, fur, burn, sir)

What to do

  1. After introducing vocabulary words such as such as her, dirt, bird, fur, burn, and sir to the students, show students sentences that contain the words.
  2. Then have students read the sentences aloud.
  3. Have students highlight or underline the vocabulary words.
  4. Then have the students orally use the words in a sentence or write sentences using the words.
  5. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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About this activity

From reading series