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Build Mastery: Purpose for Reading

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Lesson Type: Build Mastery
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class
Length: 15 minutes
Goal: Given a topic, students will anticipate their responses to a book dealing with the topic and set a purpose for reading it.

Materials: A nonfiction book to read out loud, three sheets of paper, a marker, three statements about the topic of the book

What to Do


On the three sheets of paper, write the following: I agree, I disagree, and I’m not sure. Tape the three sheets to three corners of your classroom.


1. Explain the lesson.

Today we are going to try something new. I will say a statement and you will walk to the corner that fits you best. One corner says I agree. One corner says I disagree. The third corner says I’m not sure.

2. Review how to choose which corner to go to.

Let’s do an example. Don’t walk anywhere yet, just think about where you would go. The statement is Candy is delicious. Where would you go? Why?

Call on students to answer.

If you love all candy you would go to I agree. If you don’t like sweets, you would go to I disagree. If you like some candy but don’t like other kinds, you might go to I’m not sure.

When you get to your corner, each person will share why they chose that corner.


3. Have the class do this activity.

We are going to be reading the book __________ by __________. It is about __________. All of the statements that I make will be about this topic.

Here is the first statement.

Read the statement. Allow students time to get to their corners.

Remember, when you are at your corner, you should have a chance to explain why you went there.

Repeat the process for all three statements.

4. Make sure that each student has a good reason for being in their corner.

5. Discuss how the activity helps set a purpose for reading.

Ask students questions like:

Now that you have thought about the three statements, what do you think we are going to find in this book? What is our purpose for reading this book?

6. Read the book.


For Advanced Students:

After reading, ask these students if their thoughts about the statements have changed, and why.

For Struggling Students:

These students may need explicit instruction to connect the three-corner activity to the task of setting a purpose for reading. Encourage them to use the three statements to think about what they could find in the book. Ask them to share their thoughts about the purpose with a partner.

For ELL Students:

These students may need help understanding the signs at the three corners. Make sure students understand what I agree and I disagree mean and that they are not just going to corners based on what other students are doing.

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