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Introduce -ed = /ed/ words

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Activity Type: Introduce
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: 1
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class
Length: 8 minutes
Materials: -
Goal: Given a written word ending in -ed, the student can say the word ( melt, melted -> "melted" ).
Items: melted, rested, landed, grunted, trusted, rented, blended, blasted, printed

What to do

Note: If your students already recognize the words here without needing to sound them out, you can skip the sounding out parts of this activity.

  1. Write the word melt on the board in letters at least a foot tall. Sound out this word with me: mmmeeelllt. Again: mmmeeelllt. Point below each letter as you sound it out. Make sure everyone is joining in. Now say it fast: melt; melt. Run your finger underneath the word as you blend. Good. Can anyone tell me what melt means? I'll name some things; you tell me if they could melt: a block of ice. Students: yes. A tree; ice cream; an elephant; butter in a hot pan.
  2. Okay, now I'm going to change something. Add the letters –ed to melt, making melted. Let's sound out this new word I made. Ready? Mmmeeelllteeed. Now say it fast: melted; melted. Does anyone know what melted means? Right! Yesterday I melted some butter in a pan. When you add /ed/ to the end of a word (underline the letters ed), it changes the word to mean something that happened in the past. Watch again: Cover up the ed. Today, I melt butter in a pan. Uncover ed. Yesterday, I melted butter in a pan. Cover up ed again. We call this the base word, like home base in baseball. Cover up melt. And we call this the ending. When you add an ending to a base word, the base word changes its meaning like it did here: melt, melted.
  3. Let's try another. Erase melted and write rest. Have students sound it out and use it in a sentence. Change it to rested, and have students sound that out and use it in a sentence.
  4. Repeat with land-landed, grunt-grunted, trust-trusted, rent-rented, blend-blended, blast-blasted, print-printed, or as many of these as necessary to convince you that all students get it. Watch for students who are not participating, and give them an individual turn.
  5. If your students know how to read the irregular word want, show them want-wanted also. Similarly, if your students know how to read the VCe word fade, show them fade-faded also.

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