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Introduce Sh

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Activity Type: Introduce
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: K, 1
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class
Length: 10 minutes
Materials: Full size letter cards
Goal: Given a printed letter combination, the student can say its sound.
Items: Letters a,/a/,/ay/,/ai/,s,/s/,/sh/

What to do

  1. Write the letters Sh on the board; make them at least foot tall. Alternatively use a letter card large enough to see.
  2. Some letters stick together, so they make one sound even though they are two letters. Here are two letters that stick together. The sound for these letters is /shh/. When you say /sh/, its like you're telling someone to be quiet because the baby is asleep:/shh/. What is the sound?
  3. Look for students who are not saying the sound. Ask them: What's the sound? Look for students who are making the wrong sound and model the sound for them until they have have it right. Well done, everyone.

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