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Letter combination accuracy, Hundreds

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 10 minutes
Materials: Letter cards, tape, blackboard
Goal: Given a printed letter combination, the student can say its sound (ai -> /ay/).
Items: All letter combinations learned so far.

What to do

  1. Before beginning the activity, choose 25 of the letter combinations. Print the letter combination cards, glue them to card stock, and using a thick marker, write the numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 on five cards each. Tape the cards to the blackboard in a 5x5 “game board.” The first row should have all of the 100 cards, the second row should have the 200 cards, etc. Tape the cards so the number is visible and the letter combination is not. You may also choose to draw a scoreboard on the blackboard to keep track of how many points each team earns.
  2. Today, we are going to play a game called Hundreds. When it is your team’s turn, one person on your team will come up to the board and take a card. That person will look at the letter combination on the card and say the sound that those letters make.
  3. If that person says the sound correctly, your team gets the number of points on the card, and your team gets another turn.
  4. Your team will keep getting turns until you read a card incorrectly. If someone on your team reads a card incorrectly, the other team will get the chance to read your card. If they get it correct, they will get the points.
  5. Then, it is the other team’s turn. It will be their turn until they read a card incorrectly. We will keep going back and forth in this way until all of the cards have been read.
  6. Remember, make sure that everyone on your team gets a chance to come to the board and read a card.
  7. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins!
  8. Are there any questions? Answer questions, clarifying the rules of the game.
  9. Observe students. For students who struggle, offer help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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