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Letter combination accuracy, Whamee!

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: letter combination cards from Letter cards, die, score sheet, Whamee! card, Double card
Goal: Given a printed letter combination, the student can say its sound (ai -> /ay/).
Items: All letter combinations learned so far.

What to do

  1. Before introducing the game, make one card that says Whamee! and another that says Double. Create a reproducible score sheet so that students only need to write the names of the players at the top.
  2. Today, we are going to play a game called Whamee! Before we start, decide who in your group is going to keep score. Allow students a few seconds to determine a score-keeper. You may want to instruct the scorekeeper to keep a tally of the points instead of writing the numbers so it is easier to add them at the end.
  3. When it is your turn, you will turn over a card and say the sound that the letters make on that card. The other students will tell you if you are correct by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down. If you make the correct sound, you will roll a die. You get the number of points that is on the die. So, if I roll a five, I get five points.
  4. Then, it is the next person’s turn. You will keep going around the circle until all of the cards are gone.
  5. Remember, when it is not your turn, you are responsible for checking whether or not the card was read correctly. You need to give a thumbs up or thumbs down.
  6. There are two special cards in your deck. One says Double. What do you think happens when you get a Double card? Call on students to answer. That’s right, you get double the number of points on the die. The other card says Whamee! What do you think happens when you get the Whamee! card? Call on students to answer. That’s right, you don’t get any points for that round.
  7. When all of the cards are gone, add up each person’s points. The person with the most points wins!
  8. Are there any questions? Answer questions, clarifying the activity.
  9. Observe students. For students who struggle, offer help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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