My Pile, Your Pile
From FreeReading
Activity Type: Build Fluency |
Activity Form: Game |
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3 |
Group Size: Individual |
Length: 2 minutes |
Materials: irregular word cards |
Goal: Given irregular words, the student will be able to read them with fluency. |
Items: Irregular words |
What to do
- Print out a set of flashcards with irregular words on them. Make sure that several known words start the deck.
- Introduce the activity to the student. I am going to show you a word. Read the word back to me before I count three. Show one word at a time for a total of three seconds.
- If a student reads the word before the count of three, she keeps the card; if not, the teacher says the word and puts it back into the deck, near the top.
- Continue until no cards remain. If the student cannot read the remaining words, the teacher keeps them.
- The one with the most cards wins! (The student will almost always win, of course.) If the student has difficulty with this game, you may record observations about his or her performance in an Activity Log.