Oral Blending, Riddle Game
From FreeReading
Activity Type: Build Accuracy |
Activity Form: Game |
Grade: K |
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class |
Length: 5 minutes |
Materials: - |
Goal: Given multiple letter sounds, the student can blend them into a word ( /a/ + /b/ + /c/ -> "abc" ). |
Items: mouse, fish, and other animals |
What to do
- I'm thinking of a small animal that likes to eat cheese and is a mmm-owww-sss. What is it? That's right! Mouse. Mmm-owww-sss, mouse.
- Let's try another riddle. I'm thinking of an animal that lives under water and is a fff-iii-shhh. What is it?
- To the student who guesses the answer first say, That's right! Fish. Fff-iii-shhh, fish. Since you got it first, you get to choose the next riddle. First, think of an animal. Now give us a clue, but don't tell us what animal you're thinking of...now say the animal, but very slowly, like I did. You may have to help the student segment; just give them the first sound and see if they can do the rest. If not, segment for them.
- If students find this too hard, you can start with onset and rime instead of segmenting the whole word, so mmm-ouse, fff-ish, etc.
- Look for students who aren't taking part and give them the first chance to guess the answer to a riddle you make up, and then to create one of their own, perhaps with your help.
- End by saying: You did really well. Did you like that game? We'll play it again tomorrow, but instead of animals we'll use food that you like to eat. Try to think of a riddle later so you can tell it to us tomorrow.
Related activities
- Introduce oral blending
- Introduce oral segmenting
- Oral segmenting accuracy
- Finding initial sounds
- All Phonological Awareness Activities