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Prefix/ Suffix Sentence Change

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Lesson Type: Build Mastery
Grade: 2, 3
Group Size: Pair, Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class
Length: 10 minutes
Goal: Given a sentence, students will enhance their understanding of prefixes, suffixes, and root words by adding prefixes or suffixes to root words in the sentence, thereby changing its meaning.

Materials: Sentence strips, markers, board or chart paper

What to Do


Assign students to pairs or teams of three to four students.

Give each pair or team a number of sentence strips.

Display the prefixes and suffixes that your students have learned so far on the board or a piece of chart paper.


1. Review the prefixes and suffixes that your students have learned so far.

Today we will learn more about prefixes and suffixes by changing sentences.

2. Choose a student to help you model how to do the activity. Complete each step together with the class.

I am going to write a sentence on my sentence strip. I’m going to make sure that at least one word in my sentence can have a prefix or a suffix added to it. Hmmm. Ok, here is my sentence: “John agrees with me.”

Write sentence on sentence strip.

Now, I am going to give my sentence strip to my partner or someone else on my team.

Give strip to student.

He/she will need to change my sentence by adding a prefix or suffix to one of the words. He/she is going to use a different color marker so the prefix or suffix stands out.

Allow student to add prefix or suffix.

Great! The new sentence reads: “John disagrees with me.” This new sentence has a very different meaning.


3. Have students do the Sentence Change activity.

Now we are going to do the Sentence Change activity. Remember to use a prefix or suffix to make a real word.

4. Walk around to monitor the students’ performance during the activity.


For Advanced Students:

Encourage these students to change more than one word in the sentence, or add a prefix and suffix to the same word, if possible.

For Struggling Students:

Have the writer of the sentence underline the word (adjective or verb, usually) to which the prefix or suffix can be added.

For ELL Students:

Have the writer of the sentence underline the word (adjective or verb, usually) to which the prefix or suffix can be added.

These students may need an explanation of the meaning of the original sentence before they can add a prefix or suffix.

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