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Word-Form Recognition Fluency, Boom!

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Game
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 10 minutes
Materials: A deck of cards which includes each word-recognition word learned so far (ideally, there should be at least 20 cards), five post-its with the word “BOOM!” written on them, one bag/bowl/hat to hold word cards
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can say the word with automaticity ( abc -> "abc" )
Items: Any set of word-recognition words learned so far.

What to do

  1. Place students in one circle on a rug or in a circle with their chairs.
  2. Today, we are going to play "Boom!" This is a game where we try to remember our regular words. Inside this bag are words we have learned, but on some of the cards, there is a post-it note that says “Boom!” Each person will reach into the bag, pull out a card and read the word on the card to the group. Then, the person will pass the bag to the person on their right who will then read the next card they pull out. We will keep doing this until someone pulls out a card with the post-it that says “Boom!” and when that happens, we all yell “Boom!” as loudly as we can. And guess what? When that happens, we have to put all our word cards back in the bag and start again!
  3. We are going to try to pull out 10 word cards without pulling out a “Boom!” card. Let’s play!
  4. Pass the bag of word cards to the first player. Make sure they are pulling out one card and reading the word to the whole class.
  5. Keep playing until students have pulled out 10 cards without pulling out the “Boom!” card.
  6. Good job, readers! You beat the Boom! game!
  7. Observe students play the game. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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