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Word families accuracy, Three, Three

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: A deck of word cards with words from the same word families
Goal: Given a word, the student can identify words that are part of the same word family (“back” - > “tack”).
Items: Four to six word families learned so far

What to do

  1. Before introducing the game, use the Word families (phonograms) list to generate a list of words from the desired word families. You may want to laminate the cards. Make enough index cards so that each student can have seven and each group can make a large enough pile from which to draw.
  2. Today, we are going to play a card game called Three, Three. You are going to play in a group but each person will play for himself or herself.
  3. In your group, deal each person seven cards. Put all the other cards in a pile, face-down.
  4. You will go around the circle taking turns. When it is your turn, you will take the top card on the pile. You have to throw out a card too. You can throw out the card you just picked or another one in your hand. Make a pile, face-down, with the cards that you throw out.
  5. If you want the top card, but it is not your turn, you can have it as long as the person whose turn it is does not want it. But you will have to take an extra card as a penalty.
  6. You are trying to get two groups of three cards each. The three cards need to contain words from the same word family. So, one group could be the words cap, map, and clap. Why are they all one group? Call on students to answer. Good. They all end with ap.
  7. You need to make another group too. You can work on making both of your groups at the same time.
  8. When you get a group of three, put the cards down for the people in your group to see.
  9. You will have to get rid of your extra cards too. After you have your two groups of three down on the table, you do not need to pick a card on your turn. You can just throw one out.
  10. The first person to make two groups of three and get rid of all of their cards is the winner!
  11. Does anyone have any questions? Answer questions, clarifying the activity.
  12. Walk around and observe as student play the game. For students who struggle, offer help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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