Reintroduce: Journal Writing
From FreeReading
Lesson Type: | Reintroduce |
Grade: | 1, 2, 3 |
Group Size: | Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class |
Length: | 20 minutes |
Goal: | Given a graphic organizer, students will use it to generate a group journal entry. |
Materials: Board or chart paper, Journal Entry Organizer (print here).
What to Do
Make a large version of the Journal Entry Organizer on the board or chart paper.
1. Explain the lesson.
Today we will be making a group journal entry. We will use this chart to help organize our thoughts.
2. Review the purpose of a personal journal.
Remember that a journal is a place where writers can share their personal thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences.
3. Use the organizer to discuss how the group is feeling, what they are thinking, their opinions on a current event, and an experience that they have shared recently. Record the answers on the large version of the organizer. Use their responses to draft a journal entry on the board or chart paper, making sure to include that date at the top.
4. Ask students to write down how they are feeling today and why in a notebook or journal.
For Advanced Students:
Encourage these students to express their opinion about a current event and support their opinions in written form.
For Struggling Students:
These students may have difficulty naming their feelings. Work with them in small groups to brainstorm appropriate words for feelings.
For ELL Students:
Use gestures and visuals to help explain feelings to these students.
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Categories: Activity | Core | Writing