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Reintroduce: Simple Directions

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Lesson Type: Reintroduce
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small group, large group, whole class
Length: 20 minutes
Goal: Given two locations, students will be able to give clear directions from one place to the other.

Materials: Board or chart paper

What to Do


Make sure that your students know left from right before attempting this lesson. For older students you may want to introduce the cardinal directions as well. List these direction words on the board or chart paper: left, right, straight, and continue.


1. Review how to give clear directions.

Who can tell me some of the words that we can use to give clear directions? Words like left, right, straight, and continue help us give directions. Who can remember the name for an important place that can be used to give directions? Yes, landmarks are important places that can help to give directions.

2. Ask students to choose a partner to practice giving directions.

Today you will practice giving your partner directions to a place in the classroom. Make sure to give clear directions using the direction words and landmarks in the room. Both partners will have a chance to give directions. You must begin and end at the same place. The first partner tells how to get to somewhere in the room and the second partner tells how to go back to where you started.

3. Choose a pair of students to model the activity.


4. Students practice giving directions with their partners. Stop them halfway through and tell them to switch roles.

5. After students are settled in their seats, get the whole class involved in making a set of directions from the classroom to another place in the school. Record the directions on the board or chart paper. Ask students to provide as many direction words as possible and include landmarks within the school. These directions can serve as a model for the students when they write their own directions.


For Advanced Students:

Encourage these students to give more complicated directions by providing more detail words and landmarks.

For Struggling Students:

Monitor these students during the pair activity and provide help with directions if necessary.

For ELL Students:

Allow these students and their partners to use both hand gestures and words to give directions during the pair activity.

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