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Word-Form Recognition Accuracy, Chain of Words

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Whole Class
Materials: A set of about 10-15 strips of paper per child (can be construction paper), stapler, writing utensil for each child (markers work well)
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can spell the word with automaticity ( abc -> "abc" )
Items: Any set of word-recognition words learned so far.

What to do

  1. Have students sit in their seats/desks.
  2. Today, we are going to play a game called “Chain of Words.” In this game, we are going to try to make the longest possible chain of words we know. I am going to hand everyone a writing utensil and one strip of paper to start. When I say “start,” you are going to try to spell any word we’ve learned already. Write that word on your strip of paper and then when you’re finished writing the word, flip it over and write your name. Then, put the strip of paper on top of your head. I will start to collect your strips of paper every time you’ve written one. When you write one, I will give you a new strip of paper and you can start all over. I will let you do this for about five minutes. When the timer is over and we’ve spelled as many words as we can in five minutes, we will start to staple all our strips together to make a chain of words. Are you ready?
  3. Hand out materials. One writing utensil and one strip of paper per student.
  4. I am setting the timer for five minutes. Go!
  5. Let students play for five minutes. Continue to pass out the strips of paper when students finish spelling their words.
  6. Time is up! Excellent work, students. Let’s start to staple our chain together and see how long it becomes.
  7. Begin stapling the strips of the paper together. Read the word each time you staple a new loop. Praise the students for how long their chain is becoming.
  8. Look at our chain, students! You did an excellent job! Let’s hang it up so we can see how smart and what good spellers we are becoming!
  9. Hang up the chain.
  10. Observe students play the game. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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