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Word-Form Recognition Fluency, Partner Practice

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Peer
Grade: 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Materials: One stack of word-form recognition cards per student pair. Each stack should contain 10-X of the words learned to far.
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can recognize the word with automaticity ( abc -> "abc" )
Items: Any set of word-recognition words learned so far.

What to do

  1. Put students in pairs and give each pair a set of word cards.
  2. Today, we are going to play a game called “Partner Practice” where you get to test your partner on how well she/he know their regular words. You get to be a teacher! Each pair has a set of word cards. The youngest person in the pair gets to sound out the words in their heads first. Your partner will hold up a word card and then you get to guess the word. If you know the word, the guesser can hold the word card in their hand. If you do not know the word, your partner will put it back in the stack and you can try again later.
  3. Model with a pair in the class.
  4. Now, I will give each team four minutes to try the game on their own. I want to hear positive words and encouragement all around. After four minutes, you will switch and the person who held the cards at first will now get to practice saying the words.
  5. Ask students if they have any questions. If not, start the game.
  6. It has been four minutes. Please switch the guesser and continue the game. You are doing a very nice and smart job.
  7. Good job, students. We have recognized many regular words today and worked well as partners. Way to go!
  8. Observe students play the game. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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