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Super Word Family Activities

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This page contains all the FreeReading activities for teaching Super Word Families. They are divided into Sequenced Activities and Supplemental Activities. You can click here to add your own supplemental activity.

Note: FreeReading includes activities for both Super Word Families (this page) and the broader category of Advanced Phonics (click here for those activities). You can choose either based on how specific the skill you want to teach or re-teach is.


About the super word family activities

Research has identified spelling patterns that represent high-frequency exceptions to words that conform to regular letter sounds and letter combinations. That research is summarized in the article Super Word Families. These patterns, such as -ind as in find and -air as in chair, occur frequently enough to warrant teaching them explicitly.

The objective of the super word families sequence of activities is to teach students to read common spelling patterns that are exceptions to the regular letter-sound correspondences students learned earlier--such as -ind as in find and -air and in chair.

The super word families are:

  • -air as in air, chair, fair, hair, pair
  • -are as in care, scare, share
  • -ead as in bread, dead, head, read, thread (but note read with the regular ea sound rhyming with reed)
  • -ear as in dear, ear, hear, near, tear, year
  • -ind as in find, kind, mind, wind (but note wind with the regular i sound)
  • -ook as in book, brook, cook, hook, look, shook, took
  • -ore as in more, shore, store, wore.

The sequence of activities here was constructed on the following principles:

  • Introduce each super word family together with a more familiar ([[Regular and irregular words|regular or regularish) word family so as to highlight the former and reinforce the student's knowledge of the latter.
  • Later activities repeat super word families for extra practice.

Tips and tricks for teaching super word families

  • One way to accelerate students' learning of irregular words is to print out flash cards (download them here) and give a copy to each student to take home with instructions to ask their parents: "Help me learn these words."

Super word families resources

Sequenced super word family activities

A Note on Lesson Deltas. If you're using an integrated instructional program such as IPID 101 that comes with a map, follow the lesson numbers in the map and ignore the deltas below. If you're using this sequence outside of a program map (e.g., you're creating your own program), take whatever lesson number you are at when you start this sequence, call that Lesson N, and add the deltas below to N to calculate the lesson number for each subsequent lesson -- i.e., if you are on Lesson 10 when you start this sequence, then the activities below labeled +14 should be included in your Lesson 24.

Super Word Families (SID: 227)
Lesson Δ Super Word Families
+0: -air as in hair
-ill as in fill
+2: -ead as in head
-ay as in say
+4: -ook as in book
-ash as in trash
+6: -air as in hair
-ead as in head
-ack as in back
+8: -ind as in find
-ight as in night
+10: -ook as in book
-ay as in say
-ead as in bread
+12: -ear as in dear
-ate as in plate
+14: -ind as in find
-air as in hair
-aw as in saw
+16: -are as in care
-eed as in seed
+18: -ear as in dear
-ook as in book
-ight as in night
+20: -ore as in more
-ide as in hide
+22: -are as in care
-ore as in more
-ind as in find

Supplemental super word family activities